Deadly Rasuwa Aid Trip, June 2016

The late, great Lemmy Kilmister’s gravelly voice was roaring about being a loser as the van edged around the corner, the monsoon rain bucketing it down as we made our approach to the third, final and most precarious landslide zone just outside the hill-side town of Dhunche.  The idea was that Motorhead, particularly Lemmy’s ‘Born … More Deadly Rasuwa Aid Trip, June 2016

Looking back at 2015, but also looking forward

2015 has been Nepal’s ‘Annus horribilis’ the Latin term for ‘horrible year’.  The two earthquakes in April and May, followed by the fuel embargo at the beginning of April has brought Nepal to its knees causing many already living in poverty to struggle to survive and creating a worsening humanitarian crisis. Yesterday we completed our … More Looking back at 2015, but also looking forward